Board of Directors

[Anne L. Farmer]

Anne L. Farmer

[Steve Lewis]

Steve Lewis

Steve Lewis learned bridge in college. He has a PhD in biophysics. He is currently retired from the software industry.
[Barbara Nist]

Barbara Nist

Barbara Nist runs the Mercer Island Bridge Club

[Patti McCallum]

Patti McCallum

Patti McCallum has been playing bridge since being a teenager but started duplicate bridge in 1981. She has been an accredited instructor and certified director since 1988. She has taught all levels of bridge from rank beginners to Silver Life-masters. She is on the Seattle unit 446 board as well as the Next-Genbridge board.
Ann Romeo
Don Logerwell
John Weinberg
[Shirley M. Johnson]

Shirley M. Johnson

Born: St. Louis, MO
Married 44 years to Henry P. Johnson
Two daughters: Sherry A. Johnson
Pamela Y. Johnson
BA degree -- University of Washington
MLS degree—University of Southern California
Taught Junior High School – 6 years
School Librarian—6 years
Community College Librarian—19 years
ABA certified Director
ABA and ACBL certified Teacher
[Bill Bumpas]

Bill Bumpas

Bill grew up in a bridge playing family but did not start playing until college where I enjoyed a daily game after supper. Overtime, many new conventions and guidelines appeared as the game has progressed. Learning these new things and using them has been a great pleasure and I enjoy passing that knowledge on to the next generation of players.